Found: James Brown’s Home Air Sealing Performance

A recently found video of James Brown has the legendary performer in a public service announcement for home air sealing with blower door, a diagnostic tool used by home performance contractors.

The three-minute clip was posted May 8th on the Energy Vanguard blog by Allison Bailes, a home energy efficiency expert and educator in Decatur, Georgia. His company trains energy raters to evaluate the energy performance of homes by creating a computer model of the home with diagnostic tests, such as the blower door, which quantifies air leakage through holes and gaps in the walls, ceiling and floor. Several participating AlabamaWISE contractors trained with Energy Vanguard.

Bailes holds a Ph.D in physics, writes about building science and residential energy topics, and teaches contractors about building high performance homes that conserve energy and maintain a healthy indoor environment. While most posts focus on technical standards and building science, homeowners can also benefit from his advice on how to operate and maintain their homes.

James Brown was born in Barnwell, South Carolina and died in 2006. This public service announcement for a low-income weatherization agency in South Carolina was reported by Bloomberg to be part of a court-ordered community service after a car chase with police in 1988. Weatherization agencies provide free energy-saving home improvements to low-income households.

Who knows, maybe this quirky home energy performance could have a lasting impact by raising awareness of energy-saving home improvements offered by Home Performance with Energy Star contractors. The home performance benefit valued most is comfort, so you will feel good with AlabamaWISE! Contact us for a live performance of the blower door test on your home.


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