Energy Savers : Ventilation
During our everyday life we spend a lot of time in our homes using electrical devices, and especially cooling systems during the summer, and heating systems during winter.
By using our cooling and heating system for many hours each day, we spend a large amount of money on our electric bills, but also we cause damage to our systems.
Most of the time we do not easily understand the damage we have caused to our heating and cooling systems and the cost to repair can be high. Moreover, this action affects our health because most of the times the ventilation does not work properly.
We believe that conserving energy is extremely important and we should use as little energy as possible for our everyday actions.
High energy consumption does not only affect our everyday life in our homes but it is also affects the lives of those around us and the environment. This summer, choose different ways of cooling and ventilating the house.
The most environmentally friendly and energy saving way of cooling and ventilating the house is, instead of using your air conditioning system, is to use natural ventilation. Natural ventilation is when you open the windows and doors instead of using cooling systems.
The solution is spot ventilation. As Department of Energy explains “spot ventilation can improve the effectiveness of natural and whole-house ventilation by removing indoor air pollution and/or moisture at its source. Spot ventilation includes the use of localized exhaust fans, such as those used above kitchen ranges and in bathrooms. ASHRAE recommends intermittent or continuous ventilation rates for bathrooms of 50 or 20 cubic feet per minute and kitchens of 100 or 25 cubic feet per minute, respectively”. With this solution you can ensure the effectiveness of natural ventilation.
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